


Studies and Teaching

Below you will find a list of the courses we offer. You can register for the courses via Digicampus. There or in the module handbooks (these are available via? central pages of the University of Augsburg) you will also find further information on the current courses. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Student work (for seminars, project work, Bachelor's and Master's theses)

All student works (Bachelor thesis, Master thesis, seminar works, project modules and practical modules) can be completed at our chair. The topics for student works are derived from our areas of application?and?the current projects,?respectively. The concrete task definition is done individually in consultation, whereby interests and possibilities are discussed in a personal meeting.?Have a look to the aforementioned pages, which provide details on possible activities with us and exemplary topics for student works together with? our areas of application.?


If you are interested, please contact Prof. Sebastian Zaunseder or one of the project responsables (see current projects) by mail to arrange an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact person

Professur für Diagnostische Sensorik
  • Room F2 120 (Building Standort "Alte Universit?t")
