


CARE: a sentient Context-Aware Recommender System for the Elderly


Start date: 01.01.2014
Runtime: 2 years
Funded by: BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
Local head of project: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André
Local scientists:? Andreas Seiderer , Stephan Hammer
Website: CARE Website

About the project

The CARE project is a German-Greek science project of the University of Augsburg, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg and the National Technical University of Athens. Goal of the project is to develop an empathic context sensitive recommender system for elderly people.


In comparison to other European countries the percentage of elderly people in Greece and Germany is especially high and leads to societal challenges. Senior citizens often suffer from a reduction of their life quality since they are frequently living socially isolated and tend to be inactive and to show missing initiative. During the CARE project an empathic, personalized assisting system will be developed to assist solely living elderly people in their home environment by recommending them depending on the situation physical, mental and social activities that are aimed to induce senior citizens to be self-confident, independent and active at everyday life again. In parallel to the development of the system among others culture-specific differences between German and Greek senior citizens will be evaluated in studies.
