Chair Info Nights
What is a chair info night?
At each chair info night you will meet and get to know some of our chairs (i.e. research groups). During the event you can learn more about the following questions:
- Who are the members of the research groups and what is their research about?
- What courses can be taken in order to prepare for a thesis in the group?
- Which specialised courses does the chair offer at the master level?
The event ends with a networking opportunity in a comfy atmosphere with tea and cookies provided.
Chair info nights usually take place on Wednesdays, 16h-17h, during the lecture period. Dates and rooms for the current semester can be found the table? below.
Termine und R?ume im Wintersemester 2024/2025
27.11.2024 16h (L2004)
Numerische Mathematik |
18.12.2024 16h (L2004)
High-Performance Scientific Computing |
29.01.2025 16h (L2004)
Further orientation support during your studies
- Lecture Recommendations
This chart?contains an overview that might help to select specialized elective modules. Here the chairs announce which courses they consider useful.