


Bilder aller Teammitglieder
? University of Augsburg
Teambild Lehrstuhl Warning
? University of Augsburg
? University of Augsburg

Welcome at the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management

Employees are an integral factor for the success of organisations. As such, the research group of the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management analyses questions at the centre of this resource with a special focus on two main areas:



Human Resource Management

Between joining and leaving a company or organization, an employee goes through a number of stages. At each of these stages, the management of the organization is faced with various decision problems that are critical to the success of the organization. The research of the chair focuses on the theoretical foundation of these decision problems, especially in an international context.


Educational decisions are a central issue for both individuals and organisations. Accordingly, the research group of the chair deals with factors that influence individual educational decisions as well as with the design of training measures on the organizational level.



The aim of the research group of the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management is to identify cause-and-effect relationships from which forecasts and recommendations for action for business, politics and science can be derived.

Feb. 27, 2025

Courses during the summer semester 2025

Dear students, you can find further details in the respective course in Digicampus.

Feb. 15, 2023

Mailing list of the Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management

The Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management offers a mailing list for students. Via this mailing list the chair communicates current information about courses, exams, guest lectures as well as internship and job offers. We recommend all students to subscribe to the mailing list.


Chair | Secretariat | Staff

Bilder aller Teammitglieder


Overview | Current Semester | Seminar paper | Final theses

Hand h?lt Kreide und schreibt an Tafel


Research focus | Publications | Network meetings

Schreibtisch Szene


Recommendations | Dates | Guideline & Citavi

grafische Darstellung verschiedener R?der, die ineinandergreifen, um zu einer L?sung zu gelangen


Conferences | Meetings | Team | Publications

Ausschnitt Hand, die eine Visitenkarte mit der Aufschrift ?about us“ h?lt


Contact person | Mailing list | Address

Schreibmaschine tippt das Wort "Contact"



University of Augsburg

Faculty of Business and Economics

Chair of Global Business and Human Resource Management

Building J, Room 2111 B

Universit?tsstr. 16

86159 Augsburg


Phone: +49 821 598-4067 (Secretariat)

Fax: +49 821 598-4265

E-Mail: sekretariat-warning@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de (Secretariat)


Building: J

? University of Augsburg
