


English guest talks in summer semester 2023

In her courses "Digital Methods for Museums and Public Engagment" and "Authenicity and Material Culture" Dr. Cinzia Bettineschi welcomes several international scientists in June and July. In these english guest talks and discussions, questions about the potential of digital technologies and the handling of authenticity of objects in Archaelogy as well as in the History of Arts and Culture will be asked. Solutions will be presented with the aid of practicall examples taking different perspectives: regarding museums, sience communication and the research of material culture.

All interested are cordially welcomed to these thursdays lectures.


11:45 am-1:15 pm

Q&A on videogames in CH, public engagment, and education
Dr. Kevin Impellizeri (Curator at the Penn Museum, USA)

11:45 am-1:15 pm

Digital learning in Museums: case studies from the Birmingham Museum of Art
Dr. Angela May (Curator at the Birmingham Museum of Art, USA)

3:45-5:15 pm

Revealing fakes and forgeries in the Egyptological collections of Veneto
Dr. Giulia Deotto (Padova), Claudia Gambino (Venice) und Martino Gottardo (Venice)

11:45 am-1:15 pm

Public and participated Archaeology in the Digital Era
Dr. Francesca Benetti (Deputy Editor of the journal Public Archaeology, GB & Italy)

3:45-5:15 pm

Authentication of numismatic specimens: problems and methods
Dr. Giulio Carraro (Triest)


All online lectures will be held in english. Participation is possible on location at the university or online via Zoom. Those interested please contact Dr. Cinzia Bettineschi directly for registration or further information.

