Reading Primers Special Interest Group
of the International Society for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media
The Reading Primers SIG (RP-SIG) is an international network of individuals and organisations with an interest in the history of the reading primer (aapinen, bukvar’, cartilha, elementarz, Fibel, méthode de lecture, silabario ...) and/or other educational media designed for use in beginning reading instruction.
The RP-SIG encourages research and facilitates the exchange of information about developments in the field across disciplinary and national borders. It provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines (including, but not limited to educational research, cultural studies, general and social history, sociology, political science, linguistics and book history), and also for librarians, collectors and other interested parties. Founded in 2009, it organises its activities under the umbrella of its parent organisation, the International Society for Historical and Systematic Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IGSBi).
In November 2015, the RP-SIG, in collaboration with the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI), Braunschweig, and the Research Library for the History of Education (BBF) at the German Institute for International Educational Research, Berlin, organised the workshop ‘After the War – A New Beginning?? A Comparative Examination of Reading Primers Published and Used in 1945 in Europe’.
The RP-SIG publishes
- the Newsletter "Reading Primers International" (RPI)
RPI 19 (October 2024)
RPI 18 (Mai 2023)
RPI 17 (July 2021)
RPI 16 (December 2020)
RPI 15 (April 2018)
RPI 14 (October 2017)
RPI 13 (January 2017)
RPI 12 (May 2016)
RPI 11 (February 2015)
RPI 10 (December 2013)
- the International Bibliography of Studies on Reading Primers and Basal Readers ( IBSP),
- of "Lesen lernen - mehrsprachig!" - Fibeln und Lesebücher aus Europa und Amerika. Katalog der Ausstellung in Brixen/Bressanone 2011.
The RP-SIG has two types of membership: individual and corporate. Membership in the RP-SIG is open to individuals and organisations with a) a scholarly interest in reading primers and/or related educational media and b) the will to share their expertise with other members of the network. Membership in the International Society for Historical and Systematic Research on Textbooks and Educational Media is welcome, but not mandatory, and no fees are set for RP-SIG membership.
The SIG has members in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Uzbekistan. Corporate members of the RP-SIG include:
- the Research Group?História da Alfabetiza??o, Leitura, Escrita e dos Livros Escolares, Universit?t Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) more information
- the Centro di documentazione e ricerca sulla storia del libro scholastico e della litteratura per l’infanzia (CESCOM), Universitá di Macerata (Italy) more information
- the Centro die Investigación MANES, Madrid (Spain) more information
Readers who wish to learn more should feel encouraged to write to the SIG’s spokesperson:
Dr. Wendelin Sroka
Grevendieck 21
45134 Essen