


Applications for admission to the M.A Social Sciences: Conflicts in Politics and Society are submitted via an online application through the VIBS Portal at around the end of May at the University of Augsburg. The application and all related documents must be submitted via the VIBS Portal by the 1st of July.

The following must be attached to the application:
  • Evidence of completion of your first degree (e.g., bachelor’s certificate), showing individual examination results (cf. §4 Para. 1 of the Examination Regulations).
    • If your degree was completed in Germany, a simple copy is sufficient.
    • If your degree was acquired abroad, please submit a certified copy or certified translation from a sworn translator in Germany (if the original certificate is neither in German nor English). If the bachelor’s degree certificate is not available, please submit evidence of your provisional overall grade based on your examination results to date (e.g., a Transcript of Records), and, if necessary, a certified translation.
    • If your bachelor’s degree certificate is not yet available, but you have already acquired at least 150 credit points, please submit a certificate confirming your examination results to date and your provisional overall grade based on these results. The overall grade has to be at least 2,3 (based on the German grading system) or the bachelor’s thesis must have been graded at 1,7 or better. Students at the University of Augsburg can apply for a certificate confirming their provisional overall grade at the Registrar’s Office by sending an email to: ssc@zv.uni-augsburg.de. Please leave plenty of time for receiving your certificate. You will be notified via your student email address (accessible with your student login and password at https://webmail.uni-augsburg.de/) when the certificate is available. If you receive a conditional admission, please take note of the deadlines in order to gain a final admission (see § 4, Para. 2 of the Examination Regulations).
  • Appropriate documentation of the degree programme studied (e.g., examination regulations, study course plan) showing that at least 12 credit points were acquired in social science methods as well as at least 12 credit points in social science theory. Please use the following form: .
  • Evidence of German language skills if your higher education entrance qualification and your bachelor’s degree certificate were acquired abroad (at least C1 based on the?Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)). For further information on certificates that are recognised as evidence of German language skills, see the webpage:
  • Evidence of good English language skills (level B2), especially if your higher education entrance qualification was acquired abroad. In general, a higher education entrance qualification is sufficient as evidence of English language skills for foreign nationals with a German higher education entrance qualification (e.g., Bildungsinl?nder). ?For further information on certificates that are recognised as evidence of English language skills, see the webpage: .

All documentation must be uploaded to the VIBS Portal.


We look forward to receiving your application.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by ‘social science methods’ and ‘social science theories’ and are my academic achievements in my bachelor’s degree sufficient?

Social science theories and social science methods are deliberately broad terms that describe various approaches to research, which prepare students for a master’s degree in the social sciences. Above all else, concepts from the disciplines of political science and sociology belong to the field of social science theories, with conceptual approaches from neighbouring disciplines, such as ethnology and economics, also recognised. Social science methods primarily refers to quantitative and qualitative methods from empirical social research, including from statistics, empirical field research, etc., as well other methods such as document analysis.

The examination board decides whether your bachelor studies fulfil the required 12 credit points in these areas. What is important is that you identify in your application where you have acquired the relevant knowledge (e.g., name of the module, course taken, approach to your bachelor’s thesis, etc.). As evidence thereof, simply attach module listings, course descriptions, your Transcript of Records, or other appropriate documentation. A simple copy is sufficient. Please use the SKG-N form to summarise this evidence.
Are internships taken into consideration in the application process?

No. A letter of motivation is also not required and will not be considered. What will be considered is your average grade or the provisional average grade of your bachelor’s degree, or the grade of your bachelor’s thesis (the average grade must be at least 2,3 or the grade of the bachelor’s thesis 1,7). The proportion of social science theories and methods taken in your bachelor’s degree will also be considered, irrespective of the individual sub-grades.?
I probably don’t have the required number of credit points in social science methods or theories. Can I still apply? / I am not sure that I can show the required number of credit points in the documentation from my degree programme.

The proportion of social science methods and theories covered in your bachelor’s degree will be reviewed to check if the courses you have taken are sufficient preparation for the demands of the M.A. Social Sciences: Conflicts in Politics and Society. It is often clear to the applicant that their bachelor’s degree included the required number of credit points and that this will be shown in the degree programme’s documentation. If this is not the case, in most cases only the final official examination can show this. You do not need to fear being disadvantaged if you apply and are unsure. It is possible that the examination board will decide in your favour. However, you can improve your chances by making it clear in your application which courses you have taken are relevant to the social sciences. Providing a list of the relevant courses and an explanation in the answer section of the SKG-N form is helpful here. If your university does not issue ETCS credit points, please describe the extent of the coursework or examinations (e.g., presentations, seminar papers and the number of pages) that are relevant.
My bachelor’s degree definitely did not include the required amount of social science content. Can I acquire the required credit points in some other way?

This is not envisaged. You cannot acquire the required credit points during the course of the degree programme.
I completed my B.A in Social Sciences at Augsburg. Do I have to describe the methods and theory component of the degree?

If you completed the Social Sciences B.A. at Augsburg, this requirement does not apply. In this case, only your average grade or the grade of you bachelor’s thesis will be reviewed.
Does my degree certificate have to certified for the application?

Degree certificates issued in Germany do not need to be certified for the application. It is sufficient that you bring either the original or a certified copy to enrolment. However, foreign degree certificates must be translated by a sworn translator and certified for the application.
What level of English is required for admission?

You need to have the English language skills to be able to understand and analyse expert literature written in English. Formally, it is sufficient if you can provide evidence of having B2 level English language skills (based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)). In general, a German secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur) or another higher education entrance qualification is sufficient. Appropriate certificates issued in English-speaking countries are also recognised.
How do I provide evidence of my German language skills if I acquired my higher education entrance qualification abroad?

You can either provide certificates from German language courses that you have passed or official examination results. If you provide a course certificate, it must be at C1 level (CEFR) at a minimum. For TestDaF results, you must have achieved at least 4 in all subparts; for the DSH examination, at least 2 must have been achieved.
You can complete the DSH examination at the University of Augsburg, most of which take place approximately a month before the start of the semester.
Do I have to have completed an internship to be admitted to the degree?

No, an internship is not an admission requirement.
Can I start the M.A. in the summer semester?

Admission to the first subject semester is only possible in the winter semester. It is possible to change into a higher subject semester each semester.
Can I submit my degree certificate at a later point in time?

Yes, all subsequent submissions go to the office for master’s degree programmes at the Registrar’s Office (Studierendenkanzlei). If your degree certificate is not available at the time of application, you can submit it up until the 30.9 of the following year upon admission to the master’s degree programme. In this case, please enclose a Transcript of Records with your application that shows your academic achievements to date and the relevant credit points and grades, as well as a provisional final grade. You will receive a final admission to the winter semester if you successfully complete the aptitude assessment process and submit your degree certificate by 1.10 of the same year. Otherwise, you will receive a provisional admission on the subsequent condition that you submit your degree certificate by the end of the second semester. Please take note of the deadlines related to conditional admission (§ 4, Para. 2 of the Examination Regulations). You must provide evidence at the time of enrolment that you have submitted your bachelor’s thesis. You also need to provide confirmation that you have passed the degree programme by the 15.2 of the year following your enrolment.?
Will previously completed academic achievements be recognised?

Yes, in principle, previously completed academic achievements can be recognised if they are equivalent to the requirements of the master’s degree programme. The examination board will decide on the recognition of academic achievements after you have started the degree programme.
