


Nov. 20, 2024

CAAPS Connect

The event seeks to connect users and developers at the University of Augsburg using the Julia programming language in order to identify shared challenges that could benefit from joint efforts and to explore potential future Julia-focused collaborations.

Oct. 11, 2024

CAAPS-Workshop Particle-based numerical simulation

On 5 and 6 November, researchers from various scientific disciplines will meet to discuss the latest developments in the field of particle-based simulations. In addition to new modelling approaches and advanced numerical methods, a particular focus will be on efficient algorithms and modern implementation strategies. A hackathon will take place on the second day.

Oct. 15, 2024

Studentische / wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

The Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences at the University of Augsburg is looking for a student assistant to support the management with administrative tasks. The monthly working time is 20 hours. The position is limited to one year, a longer-term co-operation is desirable. For further information please contact Dr. Ursula Wei? (ursula.weiss@uni-a.de)

March 25, 2024

CAAPS Early Career Researcher honored with Dr. Klaus K?rper Prize 2024

For his doctoral thesis entitled "Numerical Homogenization: Multi-resolution and Super-localization Approaches", supervised at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Augsburg, Dr. Moritz Hauck receives this year's prize, which is awarded by the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM). Congratulations from CAAPS!

March 25, 2024

CAAPS (early career) researchers at GAAM

CAAPS was represented in many ways at this year's annual conference of the Gesellschaft für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM). In particular, the majority of the group of young scientists of applied mathematics from Augsburg presented a talk at the conference.

Aug. 29, 2024

Two CAAPS Early Carreer Researchers elected GAAM Juniors

Each year 10 new GAMM Juniors are selected out of suggested candidates. The young research candidates are characterized by an excellent diploma/master and/or PhD thesis in the fields of Applied Mathematics or Mechanics. Among those, the two CAAPS Early Carreer Reseachers Georg Heinze and David Wiedemann were selected. Congratulations!


The analysis and intelligent modelling of data is key to guiding future action. The Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences (CAAPS) unites data collecting and data processing disciplines at the University of Augsburg in a multidisciplinary centre with the goal of enabling progress and innovation in experimental and theoretical methods and their actual application.

Recent developments show how closely data acquisition and data processing interact in current research. This is evident especially in medical computer-aided diagnostics and therapy, in the production of high-tech materials and substances, and the application of Artificial Intelligence.

Such developments require infrastructure consisting of a complex technological process chain and theoretical mathematical and computer science methods for processing extensive sensor information and data sets. This emphasises the need for multidisciplinary cooperation between data collection and processing and offers the potential for innovation in economically and socially relevant fields of research.
