


Courses and Teaching / Chair of American Studies

Sept. 30, 2019

Current courses

Information concerning current courses


Despite of the national focus American and Canadian literatures and cultures are not to be viewed as homogeneous nor isolated. In fact, they correlate with other literatures and cultures, particularly with British and postcolonial literatures, in a vital, historically conveyed manner. Which is why basic knowledge of anglophone literatures of other countries, as taught at the Chair of English Literary Studies or the Chair of New English Literatures and Cultural Studies (NELK), is also beneficial to this study program.







  • State examination (please see the pages: english studies).
  • Practice (are in progress).
  • Information about plagiarism: The current guidelines can be found on the faculty's website.
  • Information concerning stays abroad and the International Office can be found under the item "International".

  • You can find information on the individual module manuals on the website of the Examination Office

  • General information can be found:? ?Zugang und Bewerbung“.
  • Information concerning ?Nachteilsausgleich“ (Compensation for disadvantages) can be found: ZLbiB


Supervision of theses

You can contact the following teachers for questions concerning the supervision of theses.


  • Prof. Katja Sarkowsky ( free semester in summer 2020)
  • Dr. Stefanie Sch?fer ( substitute teacher für Prof. Sarkowsky April 1, 2020 August 31, 2020? )
  • Dr. Ina Batzke
  • Dr. Linda Hess ( beginning April 1, 2020)

Guidelines for the preparation of final theses (currently in progress)


