


Laufende Dissertationen

Brosy, Caroline

Hexacopter-based Three-dimensional Measurements of Hydrometeorological Variables and Methanes


Brumann, Sebastian

?Schüler/innen erforschen den Klimawandel vor der eigenen Haustür“?– Forschungsgeleitete Entwicklung eines wissenschaftsprop?deutischen Konzepts für die gymnasiale Oberstufe nach dem Ansatz des ?Forschenden Lernens“


Count, Maximilian

Efficient processing and dynamic visualization of commercial microwave link derived rainfall data


Gonda, Robert

Managing Scarcity: Political Ecology of the Hydrosocial Cycle at Lake Urmia (Iran)


Hald, Cornelius

Analysis of Meso- and Microscale Hydrometeorological Fluxes in TERENO preAlpine using WRF-LES


Haltenberger, Melanie

Lehrerprofessionalit?t im Bereich der geographischen Perspektive des Sachunterrichts – ?berzeugungen und fachdidaktisches Wissen von angehenden Grundschullehrpersonen


Jahn, Sally

Air Quality, Climate and Human Health in Europe - Modeling the interplay between air pollution, climate, meteorological conditions and human health


Middendorf, Serge

Autarkie. Ressourcen- oder Globaltheorie?


Nowak, Markus

Social justice as a perspective in municipal social planning !? From a comparative analysis of social developments in urban areas of Germany to the spatial polarization, inequalities and injustices as well as the answers of municipal social planning


Ntoko, Vivian

Climate change in the Mount Cameroon National Park Region: Local perceptions, natural resources and adaptation strategies


?ttl, Lena Katharina

Tillage erosion dominating spatial patterns in soil organic carbon and crop yields in intensively used hummocky landscapes


Portele, Tanja

Regional refinement and performance analysis of global seasonal forecasts to support water management in semi-arid regions


Purwins, Sebastian



Rehm, Raphael

Agricultural Soils as Sinks and Sources of Microplastic


Reichenbach, Mario

Soil carbon stabilization mechanisms in contrasting geological regions in tropical africa


Resenberger, Claudia

?Also wenn es wirklich komplex ist, dann geht er auch ohne Antwort raus“ – Interviewstudie zum Umgang mit komplexen Themen im Unterricht aus Sicht von Geographielehrkr?ften


Schulz, Johannes

Climate Change Education und transformative Bildung im Geographieunterricht als Antwort auf den globalen Wandel


Simkin, Paulina
Coffee - The taste of globalization. Studies of emerging coffee culture in Kyrgyzstan


Soltani, Mohsen

Spatiotemporal variability of water and energy fluxes: TERENO prealpine hydrometeorological data analysis and inverse modeling with GEOtop and PEST


Streitberger, Sebastian

Videobasierte F?rderung der unterrichtsbezogenen Analysekompetenz angehender Geographielehrkr?fte


Tamale, Joseph

Investigating the soil greenhouse gas and nitrogen leaching fluxes responses to change in soil nutrient status of two contrasting tropical ecosystems: a phosphorous limited old growth secondary forest and an intensively fertilized sugarcane plantation


Thanheiser, Selina Yasemin

Regionale Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels auf die Variabilit?t trockenheitsrelevanter atmosph?rischer Zirkulationstypen im Süden von Mitteleuropa


Transiskus, Sebastian

Environmental Change and Migration at Lake Urmia (Iran)


V?lkening, Niklas

Commodification of Revolutionary Legacies - Changing Cuban Identities


Wirth, Daniel

Virtual Reality Exkursionen im Kontext der Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Lehrer*innenbildung


Zhang, Zhenyu

Joint-land-terrestrial water cycle and land-bearing interactions in complex terrain: Fully coupled modeling for the Heihe River Basin, China

Laufende Habilitationen

Bosch, Stephan

Energiewende zwischen Rentabilit?t, Partizipation und Akzeptanz – Berücksichtigung der Interessen von Projektentwicklern, Anwohnern und Naturschützern

The Energy Transition between profitability, participation and acceptance – considering the interests of project developers, residents, and environmentalists


Bliefernicht, Jan

Niederschlagsvariabilit?t in Westafrika


Laux, Patrick

Lokale Verfeinerung von regionalisierten meteorologischen Feldern zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Hydrologie

Abgeschlossene Dissertationen (seit 2006)

Nuhn, Eva

Modelling of Personalised Landmarks (2019)


Feulner, Barbara

SpielR?ume – eine DBR-Studie zum mobilen ortsbezogenen Lernen mit Geogames (2019)


H?rmann, Isabel

Avoid misconceptions about ozone - a design-based research study with special emphasis on the methodological large-scale form of the experiment and motivational perspectives (2019)


H?lzle, Ingo

Substance Management of Anthropogenic Residues (2019)


Tatu, Diana-Cristina

Tourism and wind energy: Influence of tourism on the development of wind energy using the example of regional planning in Bavaria (2019)


Forster, Frank

Method for the high-precision derivation of methane column contents with solar FTIR spectrometry in the mid-infrared range: Use for satellite validation and trend analysis (2019)


Long, Benjamin

Representation of atmospheric dynamics in decadal predictive models (2018)


Dang, Thinh Quang

Modeling of hydrological extreme and rice irrigation optimization for decision support in Central Vietnam (2018)


Homann, Markus

Impact of climate change on atmospheric circulation typhus and severe areal precipitation in southern Central Europe (2018)


Hergeth, Wolfgang

Profile Implementation Controlling: a new methodology for the sustainable development of regions and municipalities, whose profile building was carried out with the help of the approach of "community profiling" (2018)


Weber-Alvarez, Anja

Global climate change is highly local: Perception and adaptation of the international climate change discourse in Peru - a case study of the Southern Peruvian Andes (2018)

Dyer, Kathrin Maria

Subterrestrial Spatial Planning? Spatial planning options for controlling bridge technologies underground (2018)


Wilken, Florian

Uncertainties in measuring and modeling erosion-induced soil organic carbon dynamics in arable landscapes (2018)


Pearson, Olivia

The multifaceted commodification processes and transformations of pastoralists in Lowland Ethiopia (2017)


F?rber, Kathrin

Subterrestrische Raumplanung? M?glichkeiten der Raumplanung zur Steuerung von Brückentechnologien unter Tage (2017)


Kerandi, Noah Misati

Joint Atmospheric-Terrestrial Water Balance for the Tana River Basin of Kenya, East Africa by Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling (2017)


Wagner, Andreas

Spatiotemporal Variability of Precipitation: Measurements - Simulation Limitations (2017)


Mahne-Bieder, Johannes

Catholic Beliefs in Post-secular Societies: The Religious Behavior of Catholic Christians in Germany (2017)


Groote-Bidlingmaier, Carolin von

Developing a Data Driven Approach for the Analysis of Functional Settlement Pattern Considering Environmental Space (2017)


Brandhuber, Birgit

How to deal with offshore wind energy use in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on selected European examples - A contribution to spatial planning at sea (2017)


Chwala, Christian

Precipitation and humidity observation using a microwave transmission experiment and commercial microwave left (2017)


Keler, Andreas

Traffic Pattern Analysis Framework with Emphasis on Floating Car Data (FCD) (2017)


Houseman, Petra

Long-Term Monitoring of Atmospheric Water Vapor and Methane (2017)


Lorenz, Christof

Closure of the Water Cycle: Global Analysis and Hydrometeorological Data Assimilation (2017)


Mazimpaka, Jean Damascene

A Framework for Analyzing Trajectories of Movement in a Dynamic Geographic Context (2017)


Merkenschlager, Christian

Estimation of future seasonal precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean area, taking into account varying predictor-predictor relationships (2017)


Ostler, Andreas

Imprints of the upper troposphere and the stratosphere on column-averaged methane (2017)


Little, Cornelia

Interactions of regional atmospheric and land surface processes with the West African monsoon system (2017)


Weitnauer, Claudia

Particulate Matter and Climate Change in Bavaria (Germany) (2016)


Mao, Ganquan

Stochastic Bias Correction of Dynamically Downscaled Precipitation Fields for Germany Through Copula-based Integration of Gridded Observation Data (2016)


Wei, Jianhui

Evapotranspiration Tagging for the Poyang Lake Region, Southeast China (2016)


Jonietz, David

From Space to Place: A Computational Model of Functional Place (2016)


Heel, Michael

"Forest Fires in the Northern Limestone Alps - Spatiotemporal Distribution and Examples of Local Impacts" (2016)


Kaspar-Ott, Irena Stefanie

Atlantik Ni?os in Global Climate Models: Regional Impacts and Tropical Telecommunications (2016)


Warscher, Michael

Performance of Complex Snow Cover Descriptions in a Distributed Hydrological Model System and Simulation of Future Snow Cover and Discharge Characteristics: A Case Study for the High Alpine Terrain of the Berchtesgaden Alps (2015)


Waongo, Moussa

Optimizing Planting Dates for Agricultural Decision Making under Climate Change over Burkina Faso / West Africa (2015)


Stojakowits, Philipp

Pollen-analytical investigations for the reconstruction of the vegetation history in the southern Iller-Wertach-Jungmor?nengebiet since the Late Glacial (2015)


Romberg, Karin

Warm and cold water events at the tropical southeast Atlantic Ocean (2015)


Korch, Oliver

Investigations on the flora and vegetation of the Zugspitzplatts (Wetterstein Mountains, Bavarian Alps): Recent vegetation dynamics with special consideration of climatic and anthropo-zoogenic processes (2014)


Brown, Stephan

Modeling energy demand taking into account urban forms and individual time use (2013)


Bohm, Oliver

Floodplain history of the Bavarian Alpine foothills: the floods of the summer months in the context of the climatic history of Central Europe (2013)


Qiu, Wei

Copula-Based Precipitation Fields Estimation Combining Data from Radar, Gauge and Microwave Attenuation (2013)


Bosch, Stephan

Assessment and evaluation of the influence of the resource space in the context of the promotion of renewable energies as well as derivation of a holistic approach for the optimal integration of regenerative technologies in the rural area (2012)


Neumann, Peter

Althofstellen als Elemente der rural Siedlungsentwicklung (2012)


Fersch, Benjamin

Large scale water balance estimation from downscaled atmospheric moisture budgets and evaluation with global climatological data sets and the GRACE spaceborne gravimetry (2012)


Heckl, Andreas

Impact of Climate Change on the Water Jordan River Catchment (2012)


Heiken, Andreas

Sustainable Approach to Developing Geoinformation Teachware (2011)


Seubert, Stefanie

Teleconnections of Mediterranean Precipitation to Tropical Circulation (2010)


Nunneryman, Matthias

Synoptic Classifications of Abnormal Hydrometeorological Events in Two Regions of Northern Hemisphere Mid-latitudes for Model-Based Short-Term Predictions and Long-Term Estimates (2010)


Great, Bernhard

Lifestyles and Room Preferences of Elderly People (2010)


Rathmann, Joachim

Climate and circulation variability in southern hemisphere Africa since the beginning of the 20th century (2009)


Schürmann, Gregory

Inverse Propagation Modeling for Emission Rate Determination of Heterogeneous Area Sources (2008)


Dohse, Matthias

Interfaces of the Regional Planning Instrument Regional Management with Political and Local Political Instruments and Approaches (2008)


Grashey-Jansen, Sven

Investigations on the spatio-temporal differentiation of soil water dynamics on fruit-growing sites in South Tyrol under irrigation (2007)


Zaree, Ahmed

The Effectiveness of a Proposed Integrative Program for Developing Some Mathematical Concepts and Skills Necessary for Students Learning Geography (2007)


Barefoot, Georg Stephan

Integration Controlling with the Balanced Integration Card: A New Approach to Local Governance of the Integration of Foreign Citizens Using the Example of the City of Ulm (2007)


Pohl, Stefan A.

Spatio-temporal climate development for the thermal-hygric complex since 1659 in Europe (2006)


Develioglu, Duygu Meltem

Municipal Quality of Life and Risk Management: Coping with Natural Disasters in Civil Society - Pentecost flood 1999 in Augsburg (2006)


Abgeschlossene Habilitationen

Beck, Christoph

Climate variability and large-scale atmospheric circulation dynamics. (2015, Habilitation)


Sussmann, Ralf

(2014, Habilitation)


Grashey-Jansen, Sven

(2014, Habilitation)


Philipp, Andreas

Variability of atmospheric circulation types and implications for surface climate conditions. (2014, Habilitation)


Hertig, Elke

Regionale Klimavariabilit?t und statistisches Downscaling (2013, Habilitation)


Peters, Michael

Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Landschafts-, Vegetations- und Siedlungsgeschichte zwischen Donau und Alpen in Südbayern w?hrend der letzten 15.000 Jahre. (2011, Habilitation)


Schneider, Thomas

Schwemmkegel-, Talsohlen- und Moorentwicklung am Alpennordrand im Sp?t- und Postglazial. (2006, Habilitation)


Hilpert, Markus

Angewandte Sozialgeographie und Methode: ?berlegungen zu Management und Umsetzung sozialr?umlicher Gestaltungsprozesse. (2002, Habilitation)
